Category: Marketing

10 Best Social Proof Software Tools

Social proof and fear of missing out (also known as FOMO) leverage an individual’s psychology to get your visitors to take those actions you want them to. Showing your visitors actions of other visitors in an attempt to get them to take the same action leverages their FOMO. Using this technique, you can ease potential […]

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12 Smart B2B Marketing and Sales Strategies to Recession-Proof Your Business

13 Smart B2B Marketing and Sales Strategies to Recession-Proof Your Business

Throughout history, there have been many periods of economic uncertainty. From The Great Depression to the Recession of 2008, employees and business owners alike took a financial blow, struggling to get back on their feet. As a B2B business owner, your business is your livelihood, so it’s important to prepare for emergencies, recessions, and other […]

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Sales vs. Marketing/Product Driven Companies

Sales vs. Marketing for Product Driven Companies

Sales vs. marketing always and will always be a topic discussed by business owners and entrepreneurs alike. And, it can be a touchy subject for some companies to discuss. For most companies*, it is one of the following departments that drives a majority of the company’s revenue: Sales/Business Development Marketing/Product You may now be thinking […]

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Social Selling

What is Social Proof Marketing

It’s a Friday night, you and a friend want to go out to a dance club. You are walking around and come across ten different dance clubs. Eight of those clubs have people in it, and the other two are completely empty; it is almost second nature to choose the ones people are already enjoying. […]

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Should You Decrease Your Marketing & Sales Budget During a Recession?

With a projected recession on the horizon, many businesses have been forced to re-think their marketing and sales budget. But, is decreasing your marketing and sales budgets to save money always the way to go? Or is there a way to get the most of your marketing so you actually make more money during a […]

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Lead Mining

12 Best B2B Lead Mining Software to Use in 2024

In 2024, lead mining is one of the best ways for B2B companies to drive growth and revenue. With the help of a B2B lead mining software, your sales team will be able to fill your sales funnel without spending time trying to generate cold leads. By investing in a lead mining software, your sales […]

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Best Marketing Tools for Startups to Use in 2022

22 Best Marketing Tools for Startups to Use in 2024

Marketing tools are a great way to simplify daily tasks and make your life a little easier. As a startup, it can be difficult to know what marketing tools you should be using. With so many options available, it can quickly become overwhelming trying to choose. Fortunately, we have put together this list of the […]

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Increase Website Traffic

11 Ways to Increase Website Traffic

Increasing your website’s traffic is always a goal among businesses. More traffic often results in more leads and more revenue. However, it can be difficult to find new ways to drive traffic to your website due to how competitive other companies are. Fortunately, there are a lot of different ways that you can drive traffic […]

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Lead Mining

What is B2B Lead Mining and Best Practices?

The term “B2B lead mining” has been thrown around for a while now in the B2B industry. But, a lot of sales and marketing professionals are either unsure of what exactly lead mining is. Or, they are not using their lead mining tactics to their full potential. That is exactly why we have put together […]

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Top Tips for B2B Revenue Teams in 2022

We all know that B2B revenue generation is getting increasingly difficult. Companies continue to compete and fight for who wins the attention of prospective customers. And, with competition so high, you need to stand out from the crowd more now than ever before. With the help of these 8 tips for B2B revenue teams, your […]

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Quora Marketing

10 Tips for Quora Marketing

As marketing professionals, we are constantly looking for new ways to enhance our marketing strategy. Far too often we get stuck leaning on the same tactics. This is something that every marketer will experience at one time or another. Fortunately, you’re here exploring Quora marketing. With over 300 million monthly active users, Quora marketing is […]

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Remarketing for B2B Companies – Best Platforms

Do you ever do a little online shopping, end up not purchasing, and then ads for that business follow you on Facebook for weeks? This happens to me all of the time, and that is thanks to remarketing ads. The truth is, only 2% of people who visit your website are converting. The other 98% […]

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