Category: Products

7 Best Zapier Integrations for Sales People

We have all been there, spending countless hours pouring over data. All to understand who needs more lead nurturing and whom you can prioritize following up with. Spending time on lead generating efforts, combining that data to understand whom your sales team should follow up is hard. Making sure they have the right information, can […]

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6 Best Website Personalization Tools

7 Best Website Personalization Tools

Most customers are more likely to buy from companies that offer relevant and complementary products. This isn’t by accident or a company doing this out of the kindness of their heart. Website personalization tools are specific and targeted. Think about the last time you were online shopping. Did they offer complementary or similar products to […]

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20 Best Lead Generation Tools to Get More Leads in 2021

20 Best Lead Generation Tools to Get More Leads in 2024

It seems that every day a new B2B lead generation tool emerges as another falls off the map. But, there are a few lead generation tools that have stood the test of time. These tools have a proven track record for helping B2B businesses generate high-quality, high-converting leads, almost on autopilot.  The great news is […]

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10 Best Marketing Attribution Software

Marketing attribution can be a significant challenge for many data-driven teams and can be a major source of headache. Successfully attributing conversions to channels can be very difficult without the correct tools in place. It can be increasingly challenging as less than 20% of advertisers look at the performance of their digital channels regularly. This […]

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7 Best Lead Nurturing Software

7 Best Lead Nurturing Software

As more companies adopt more inbound marketing techniques as a way of generating leads. The importance of lead nurturing software and managing those leads becomes ever more important. In very few situations a small number of your inbound leads will be in a position to make a purchasing decision. This leads upwards of 90% of […]

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7 Best Landing Page Builders

9 Best Landing Page Builders

Generating traffic and conversions is essential to any digital marketers’ job and are some of the main goals they set out to achieve. They must drive people to their site and make sure they take action on the site while they are there. Not too long ago, before landing page builders, that was very difficult […]

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15 Best Website Visitor Tracking Software

Every business owner or marketer wants to know if their market efforts are paying off in terms of website traffic and new leads for your business. Attracting new leads often directly correlates to an increase in revenue. While some analytics tools, like Google Analytics, can measure website visitor tracking, many fall short when it comes […]

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sales enablement tool

9 Best Sales Enablement Tools

Before we dive into which sales enablement tools your team can use and why let’s talk about your sales team. Is your sales team ready? But, are they really ready? I’m sure you have a top-notch sales team and they are prepared to take on the world. But are you doing everything possible? To make […]

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HubSpot vs Salesforce

HubSpot vs Salesforce: Which Should Your Business Choose?

If someone asked you to name a CRM tool off the top of your head, there is a good chance that you would say Salesforce. Salesforce is one of the most popular CRM tools on the market. But, as we are all aware, they are not the only available solution and they may not be […]

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Best Email List Providers

20 B2B Email List Providers to Use in 2024 {Updated}

Let’s face it, B2B lead generation is hard. I’m sure all of us have thought about or tried many new ways to increase our leads and contact information. From gated content and email lists to remarketing campaigns, it’s difficult to find new leads to reach out to. There’s a good chance that you’ve considered whether […]

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6 Best LinkedIn Automation Software

Digital marketers and salespeople have made a very fast transition to using LinkedIn for their needs. This is typically done through an automation tool to generate leads into a funnel for them to contact. Not a bad plan considering this is the world’s largest B2B platform. LinkedIn automation tools can accelerate your lead gen and sales […]

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7 Best Social Media Scheduling Software

8 Best Social Media Scheduling Software

We all know that a strong and consistent presence on social media is important, regardless if you are a business or someone striving to be an influencer. But as we are all aware, it can be difficult to keep an active social media presence. Especially in 2023 when you are focusing on putting out fires […]

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