EP 14: What the Growth!? How to Generate Leads By Getting Your Company Featured in Relevant Articles

3 years ago 2 minute read
What the Growth
EP 14: What the Growth!? How to Generate Leads By Getting Your Company Featured in Relevant Articles

In this episode of What the Growth!? Nick goes over how you can generate leads by getting your company featured in relevant blog articles.

In this episode, Nick talks about how you can increase the number of leads you’re receiving by getting your brand added to highly relevant, high-quality blog articles and other content. This is a tactic that Visitor Queue has used in order to ensure our brand appears in front of prospective clients when they’re doing research on our industry and generate leads.

Search Query Research

You’re going to want to start by making a list of all the different search queries someone that is looking for your service might be making. Put yourself in the shoes of your customers and try to figure out what they will be searching for when they are looking for your business. This should be a very long list including some short queries that may range from 2-4 words and some longer ones that can be 8+ words and may look like a question. As an example, for Visitor Queue a short query might be “Website Visitor Identification” while a long query may be “How to Identify the Companies on my Website”. If you need help coming up with search queries, you can use the Google Keyword Planner tool to find relevant queries.

How to Generate Leads By Getting Your Company Featured in Relevant Articles

How to Find Relevant Blog Articles

Once you have this list of queries, search them on Google to find out the top-ranking results for that search. Some of these may show up as companies and hopefully, yours will be in the results. You’ll also find that articles are present on the search engine results page. Find the relevant articles present in the search results that you would want your company added to. Then, start reaching out to the person in charge of content for that website to see if they’ll consider adding a link to your website in the article. To find the person in charge of content you can use LinkedIn a service like Hunter.io or even submit a contact form on their website

We enable B2B companies to identify the anonymous businesses that visit their website and personalize their experience. Your sales team can now follow up with the visitors that don’t convert, while marketing can personalize your website based on firmographic information to drive up conversion rate. Start your 14-day free trial today!

How to Reach Out to Blog Authors

When you do reach out to the blog author or content creator, make it clear exactly what you’re trying to do and reference the article specifically. You have to make it worth their while, so you may want to try any combination of the following:

  • Offer to write any content needed if they would be willing to add it to their article.
  • Offer to allow them to guest post on your website.
  • Suggest a content collaboration with your two brands.
  • Offer to pay for the insertion of the content.
  • Offer to generate an affiliate link for them where they will see a commission for any sale or lead generated from them adding you to their article.

After you send your outreach don’t forget to follow up and try to entice them further to add you to the article.

Wrap Up

That’s all for this episode of What the Growth!? Ensure you tune back next month for another growth tip and let us know if there is another growth tip that you want to learn more about.

While you're here!

98% of your website visitors leave without converting. Visitor Queue allows you to identify who they were, and personalize their website experience based on their needs. Your sales team can now connect with them to close the deal, while marketing can provide a personalized version of your website based on visitor firmographics to increase conversion rate. All of this starting at $39 USD per month. Start your 14-day free trial now!

Written by

Taylor Hamilton

I am the Marketing Coordinator at Visitor Queue, overseeing the implementation of both traditional and digital marketing efforts. I love spending my spare time outside with my dog Peach! I am a firm believer that there are no secrets to success, only preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.