Category: Marketing

10 Best Lead Generation Tactics and How to Follow Up

10 Best Lead Generation Tactics and How to Follow Up

This article is written in partnership with demandDrive. Every B2B company depends on generating leads to be successful. Without a stable influx of leads, it’s almost impossible to close deals and generate revenue. But, it can be hard to figure out where to start or what tactics to try out next. Once you have figured […]

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How to Improve Your Website Conversion Rate

How to Improve Your Website Conversion Rate

Everyone is looking to improve their website conversion rate. This is oftentimes the first point of contact that you have with your prospective customers, so it’s important to make every chance count. In this article, we’re going to go through how to track website conversions, the types of conversions, and how to improve your website […]

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Marketing stats

52 Marketing Stats You Need to Know for 2024

Marketing is constantly evolving with new technologies, new platforms, marketers exploring new ways to engage customers, etc. With this industry constantly evolving, it is important to keep up to date with marketing statistics. To understand where you should allocate your budget and time, or where to look for new opportunities. One way to do this […]

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12 Digital Marketing Skills That You Need to Master

12 Digital Marketing Skills That You Need to Master

Whether you’re a rookie or a veteran marketer, marketing is always changing and evolving. This is why it’s so important to learn a diverse set of digital marketing skills. The most successful marketers are always looking to improve their skillset, and drive success in your career, campaigns, and overall marketing strategies. From personal and soft […]

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How to Start a Podcast

How to Start a Podcast

The podcast industry has been booming, and rightfully so. Podcasts are a great way to share your insight and expertise, while building a relationship with your listeners. With millions of people who listen to podcasts on a regular basis, there is no question that podcasts will continue to thrive. However, a lot of hard work, […]

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What Is Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) And How to Find Them

What Is a Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) And How to Find Them

80% of new leads never turn into sales, highlighting the need for companies to focus on attracting the right people at the right time. Understanding lead qualification can be the difference between a thriving business and one that struggles to convert interest into revenue. In this guide, we are going to go through how important […]

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Lead Generation and Marketing

10 Genius B2B Lead Generation and Marketing Channels to Focus on in 2024

As a B2B company, you’re constantly looking for new ways to enhance your marketing efforts and generate more leads. We all know that it’s much easier said than done. Luckily, B2B companies have access to years of sales data to help you optimize your future marketing efforts. This is because of sales reps, higher marketing […]

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How to Onboard New Clients

How to Onboard New Clients

Onboarding new clients is an exciting part of business-to-business companies. Your team has put so much work into leading your client through your sales funnel. You have a new company that is putting its trust in you. They expect you to be able to deliver them a seamless onboarding experience, and rightfully so. However, perfecting […]

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Google Analytics Alternatives to Help You Track Website Visitors

12 Google Analytics Alternatives to Help You Track Website Visitors

While Google Analytics is the most popular website analytics platform on the market, marketers often search for Google Analytics alternatives that can help them understand more about their site. Google Analytics is a great option, but it lacks certain features that marketers need to truly understand what their website visitors are up to. In this […]

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Waterfall Charts

Waterfall Charts: How to Use Them for Sales and Marketing

As a marketing or sales professional, you’re always looking for new ways to track and analyze your data. While tracking your analytics in a sheet can be helpful, it’s not always easy to interpret data like that. Waterfall charts can help you and your team track and analyze data easily, and set goals based on […]

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A Comprehensive Guide to Benchmarking Analysis

A Comprehensive Guide to Benchmarking Analysis

Wouldn’t it be nice to see how your competitors are outperforming you? With the help of benchmarking analysis, you can compare your marketing strategies against competitors and industry best practices to see where your marketing might be falling short. In this guide, we are going to go through the main types of benchmarking, how to […]

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How to Know if Your Marketing is Working

How to Know if Your Marketing is Working

Despite their importance, only 23% of marketers are confident that they track the right KPIs. Because of this, it can be difficult to know if your marketing is working to the best of its ability or not. And, if you’re not tracking the right KPIs, it’s almost impossible to make any improvements to your campaigns. […]

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