Category: Marketing

Act-on vs. Hubspot

Act-On vs Hubspot: Which one is right for your business?

I can guarantee that you’ve heard of Hubspot before. Hubspot is one of the most popular sales and marketing SaaS out there. But, there are tons of other tools out there that offer similar services. A close competitor of Hubspot is Act-On. Both of these tools offer dozens of services. From email marketing and sales […]

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Marketing Influencers You Should be Following

15 Marketing Influencers You Should be Following

If you use social media, then you probably follow at least one influencer. Whether it be on Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube, or even LinkedIn, there are influencers everywhere. As social media continues to be such an important part of our lives, professionally and personally, the number of influencers will continue to rise. Everyone has their […]

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B2B SaaS Companies

Top 12 B2B SaaS Companies in 2024

Once upon a time, B2B software was a niche that only the tech-savvy elite was privy to. But enter the digital world and the wave of smart platforms that followed and now this type of software is on every corner. This is not to say that every piece of B2B software is built the same. […]

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Best B2B Affiliate Marketing Platforms

5 Best B2B Affiliate Marketing Platforms

Affiliate marketing is a great way to have your visitors find quality products that are related to your product. It is ideal to find products related or complementary to yours, as these products are more likely the ones your visitors will be interested in. This does not necessarily have to be the case as you […]

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9 Best Courses in the Hubspot Academy

9 Best Courses in the Hubspot Academy

I think we can all agree that there is always something new that we want to learn. There are many places you can go to learn new skills or be introduced to something you were unaware of previously. The HubSpot Academy (HubSpot’s training division) is a great place to do this for business professionals. This […]

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Marketing ROI

What is Marketing ROI and What is Considered Good?

Return on investment (ROI) is one of the most important metrics for determining the success of your campaigns. By tracking your ROI in your marketing campaigns, you are able to understand the effectiveness of your business’s marketing campaigns; but what is a good ROI for you? A good ROI means that for every dollar you […]

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New Marketing Role: Where to Start

New Marketing Role: Where to Start

Nervousness and excitement are typically the feelings that are felt by those starting new positions, whether it is in a new company or their existing one. Sometimes those feelings are triggered simply by walking into a space and not knowing anyone, sometimes it’s a new marketing role with more responsibility than you have handled in […]

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40 Marketing Quotes to Provoke Thought and Inspire

Between social media, ad campaigns, content marketing, content creation, and everything else, it can get pretty overwhelming. Sometimes what marketers need to hear are inspirational marketing quotes to keep them motivated and offer a new perspective.  This is not a new perspective on motivation or inspiration, humankind has been doing this for hundreds of years. […]

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7 Best Hubspot Lead Generation Marketplace Apps

Lead generation is an important part of today’s business. Whether you are focusing on inbound or outbound sales, you will need to generate leads. This is how you determine who you should contact. Tools like Hubspot lead generation marketplace apps can help you out. There are seemingly endless ways you can generate leads and just […]

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What’s the Average Cost Per Lead for Different B2C Marketing Channels in 2024?

Business-to-Consumer (B2C) businesses like yours employ a variety of marketing methods to reach more customers online and off.  From traditional methods like print ads or billboards to digital marketing channels like social media and search engine optimization (SEO), the possibilities are nearly endless if you are looking for a way to win over more customers. […]

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6 Best Vidyard Alternatives & Competitors

6 Best Vidyard Alternatives & Competitors

Video marketing is becoming more and more necessary in day-to-day business. As devices become more optimized for viewing high quality content and consumers look for more video content than text content. Through video content, you are able to get the information needed quickly. But, also have a visual description of the content they are consuming. […]

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7 Best WordPress Marketing Plugins

With over 50,000 WordPress plugins (yes, that isn’t a typo, over 50,000) available today it can be almost impossible being on the outside looking in trying to determine which one is right for you. Thankfully, you can filter by the type of plugin you are looking for. Reducing it from tens of thousands to thousands […]

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